Unplugged Ceremony

It’s a photographer’s worst nightmare to have the bride walking down the aisle and they can’t see the
couple reactions, but instead, all they are able to capture with their camera/video are guest phones
blocking the view – It’s worse for the Bride & Groom who would like to see each other

Consider having an unplugged ceremony. Unplugged simply means no electronics (Phones, Tablets
etc….) – Have the officiant mention that it’s an unplugged ceremony right at the start of the ceremony
and also have an unplugged sign, so the message is clear as soon as guest enter the ceremony area.

It is so much better for you and your guest to be present and in the moment. You pay thousands of
dollars for those once in a lifetime photos and videos, so let’s ensure that we allow the professionals to
do their jobs uninterrupted.

To the guest, please be respectful and honor the couple’s request for an unplugged ceremony. I have
seen many guests blatantly not follow directions and have the phones out – Let’s not be that person,
and if you happen to be that type of person – Do us all a favor and “Stay Home”.

A recent trend is having 30 seconds at the beginning of the ceremony to allow guest to snap as many
pics as possible within the allotted time – It’s fun, It’s quick and everyone is happy.